Instagram the Region-
You will make a picture of one of the eight geographic regions
that has been assigned to you. You will
create a geotag for the location that states the name of the geographic region
and will come up with at least five hashtags that describe the region. The picture will be put on a half sheet piece
of card stock paper or computer paper and presented during the next class
Appalachian Highlands
#mountains #olderodedmountains #oldestinNA #westofcoastalplain
Last Name--
A-C-Coastal Plain
D-F-Appalachian Highlands
G-K-Canadian Sheild
L-O-Interior Lowlands
P-R-Great Plains
S-U-Rocky Mountains
V-X-Basin and Range
Y-Z-Coastal Range
Last Name--
A-C-Coastal Plain
D-F-Appalachian Highlands
G-K-Canadian Sheild
L-O-Interior Lowlands
P-R-Great Plains
S-U-Rocky Mountains
V-X-Basin and Range
Y-Z-Coastal Range
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