Class Dojo Explanation

Class Dojo is a free, excellent tool to keep track of how students are behaving in the classroom.  At the beginning of the year each student and parent will get their own log in code, you simply go to and press sign up and follow the steps from there. Both parents and students can have an account. 

While I am instructing, I will assign students points based on their behavior.  For example, if someone talks out of turn I would take a point away from their overall dojo score, if someone is  being helpful they would receive a point towards their dojo score.  This also allows me to keep track of participation, which is important part of their overall grade.  The students can earn points by doing the following: being persistent, teamwork, working hard, helping others, staying on task, and participating. The students can lose points by doing the following:  being unprepared, being off task, bullying, not having their homework, disrespect, talking out of turn, and being  out of their seat.   These are, however, subject to change.

At the end of each week, if a student has at least 10 dojo points, their name will be entered in a raffle in order to get a prize from the prize box.  Reports are subject to be  sent home on a weekly basis to get signed if a student's behavior is considered unacceptable, until the behavior changes.

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