Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Podcast Projects are Up!

We've been working on presenting our podcast projects, and everyone has finished now.  Getting the actual podcasts up is taking a bit longer than expected, but the maps are ready for everyone to check out.  You can view them by clicking on the map project tab on the right side of the blog. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Instagram the Region Homework

On Tuesday students will present their homework that they did over tonight, 9/18.  The directions are posted below.

Instagram the Region-
You will make a picture of one of the eight geographic regions that has been assigned to you.  You will create a geotag for the location that states the name of the geographic region and will come up with at least five hashtags that describe the region.  The picture will be put on a half sheet piece of card stock paper or computer paper and presented during the next class period.


Appalachian Highlands

#mountains #olderodedmountains #oldestinNA #westofcoastalplain #fromalabamatocanada

Last Name--
A-C-Coastal Plain
D-F-Appalachian Highlands
G-K-Canadian Sheild
L-O-Interior Lowlands
P-R-Great Plains
S-U-Rocky Mountains
V-X-Basin and Range
Y-Z-Coastal Range

Friday, August 18, 2017

Donors Choose

Hey everyone,

I have set up a Donors Choose project, donate if you wish, if you can't just help spread the word.  Thanks!!

Bringing History to Life With Technology Pt II

Friday, May 5, 2017

Enter the Shout-Out Contest for Flocab!

Students have been asking to enter the shout-out contest for flocabulary, this weeken dif you student wants to write an entry this weeks contest prompt is:

Analyze the First 100 Days

This week we covered a story reviewing President Trump's first 100 days in office. The article outlines some of President Trump's campaign promises and compares them to his accomplishments as president. For this week's contest, pick one of Trump's campaign promises and tell us how he did or did not fulfill it. Support your answer with details and facts.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Class Dojo

Class Dojo has truly been a life saver. Between the benefits for classroom managment to the way they have integrated timers, student randiomizers, group makers, and parental contact into the platform I can only give it the highest compliments. Check out this article from Edutopia that discusses more about Class Dojo.